Since my morning freed up quite a bit, one the way back home I decided to go off our normal route and onto a little nook of a road. I love this "secret" road because it's off of a very busy city street, and once you part onto this small road, you feel like you've gone back in time and into a quieter place. This road is home to a convent, a cemetery, a school, and a church. The church was originally built in the late 1800s, and then parts were rebuilt after a fire in the early 1900s. We don't see many of it's style where we live.
I got dibs on the room with the balcony at the top. |
They have one of these beautiful angel statues in every corner of their small cemetery, which is pretty ancient, from what I've read.
Was a pretty dreary day today. Definitely calls for a trip to the candy store.
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